Virtual CFO Services

Our client, a prominent US-based business group with an annual turnover exceeding $100 million, engaged our team to understand the Group’s business model and identify operational inefficiencies impacting the Group’s financial performance.

  • Discrepancies within the MIS, distorting the true picture and hindering accurate analysis.

  • Substantial working capital held up in inventory and with suppliers, restricting liquidity and operational flexibility.

  • Lack of relevant datasets impeding the ability to make informed and strategic decisions.

  • Monthly business reviews lacked depth and insightful direction, failing to provide meaningful guidance for effective decision-making.

  • Diagnostic Review: Performed a diagnostic review, addressing the root causes of operational inefficiencies and recommending tailored solutions.

  • Working Capital Management: Implemented effective strategies for working capital management, optimizing inventory levels and enhancing liquidity.

  • Tailored Templates for MIS: Provided customized templates for capturing and presenting information, enhancing the quality and relevance of Monthly Business Review MIS reports.

  • Analytics Dashboard Implementation: Developed an analytics dashboard to facilitate in-depth analysis, aiding management in making informed decisions based on real-time data.

  • Successfully improved financial performance through accurate information and insights.
  • Implemented efficient inventory management, unlocking significant working capital and improving overall liquidity.
  • Transformed routine Monthly Business Review into a valuable tool, unlocking the full potential of MIS reports for strategic planning and decision support.
  • Increased stakeholders’ experience by delivering transparent and actionable insights for better decision-making

how can we help you?

Need help or have a question? Reach out to us, we are here for you!